
Subject targetCurriculum features


Foci of Subject Development in 2024-2025

  • BYOD scheme will be implemented in P.4 to P.6. The scheme aims to enhance students’ interaction and participation in lessons. With the help of technology, teachers design diversified extended learning activities and materials to suit students’ learning needs and increase their learning interests. In addition, teachers can understand students’ learning progress easily and provide help to students. (no change)


  • Value education will be promoted in English curriculum. The twelve priority values and attitudes will be introduced in all levels. While having English lessons, teacher will talk about these values during the teaching and learning process, e.g. teaching of the reading passage in the textbook and mention the appropriate value. School-based core value will also be taught through teaching relevant readers.


English Activities in 2023-2024

  • With appreciation and thankfulness as the themes, on Hallelujah Day, students participated in activities in which they learn and speak English to praise and thank others.